June 16, 2020

This beautiful prayer was composed by Bill Fanelli – a prayer to add to morning prayers…..

Morning Prayer of Docility to the Holy Spirit:

+ Holy Spirit, May all of my acts begin with your inspiration, continue with your help, and reach perfection through Your Guidance; and By Your Power, May these Acts be Holy and Divine. Without You I can do nothing, with You I can do anything. My will is to deny my very “self” and do what is pleasing to You by living within Your Holy and Divine Will: + Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Infuse in me All that pertains to you, and remove All that does not. Sanctify me with Your Love, Your Truth and Your Light, so that I might return that Love to You on behalf of everyone. I promise to be attentive, docile and to faithfully give “primacy,” to Your Most Holy promptings, so that I may know, do and Live Your Most Holy and Divine Will – in the hope that It will become All in All. Triune God, in the name of Jesus, I humbly ask for this Sanctity of living in Your Kingdom – to be accomplished Through Him, With Him and In Him – through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. For All This, I give my FIAT! Amen. + Note: “We,” “Our,” “Us”may be substituted for I for “Community Prayer” or “All inclusive Prayer.”